Creative Economy
Creative Economy
This is an emerging subject closely linked to the “Knowledge Economy” concept. There have been many attempts in Hong Kong and around the world to define “Creative Cities”, “Creative Industries”, “Creative Assets” and “Creative Economy”. Comprehensive definitions and useful analyses from a global perspective can be found in the “Creative Economy Report 2008″, prepared by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The UNCTAD Report defines the links between economy, culture, scientific creativity, technological creativity, economic creativity and cultural creativity. Different classification systems for creative industries were also listed.
However, the UNCTAD Creative Industry Report 2008 is still a very high-level economic development concept and analytical framework. More coordination and consensus building work need to be done before policy makers and business enterprises would be able to take the leap from a high-level “Creative Economy” concept into “Definable”, “Solve-able”, “Do-able” and “Time-able” economic development and business projects in the context of Hong Kong and Hong Kong/mainland China cooperation.
It should be stated that creativity can take place in any industry and that it can have profound effects: the classical example is the invention of the motor cycle which is started by turning a key rather than by kick starting. It is therefore credible to suggest that creativity should be fostered rather than selecting certain creative industries.
Creative Economy Report 2008 by UNCTAD
Hong Kong: A Creative Metropolis by Bauhinia Research Foundation